Reheat Artichoke

The humble thistle bud known to most as the artichoke is a nutritious and tasty vegetable-like plant. A versatile food, artichokes are delicious roasted, steamed or fried. Traditionally, the petals are eaten individually, dipped in butter or some kind of sauce. But do you know how to reheat artichoke?

Leftover And Pre-Prepped Artichokes

Whether you roasted some whole artichokes in olive oil, fried them in butter, or steamed them with other vegetables, when it comes time to eat your pre-prepped or leftover delectable greens, it pays to know the best methods for reheating.

The best procedure to reheat artichoke will depend, in part, on the format in which you originally cooked it. It may also depend on if the artichoke is whole or chopped and the quantity involved.

Oven Reheating Artichoke

To reheat artichoke in the oven, first, protect the buds or pieces by wrapping them in aluminum foil. Alternatively, place them in a baking dish and cover the dish with foil.

Preheat your oven to 350 degrees. Before covering the artichokes with foil, add a drizzle of olive oil or a tablespoon or two of water to the baking dish. Adding some liquid will aid in protecting the moisture content so that your artichoke is still juicy and tender after reheating.

Once covered with foil, bake the artichoke for 15 minutes, and, if it’s not hot enough, continue baking in 10 minute increments until desired temperature is achieved.

Microwave Reheating

An easy way to reheat artichoke is by placing it in a microwave safe bowl and simply warming it up on the usual microwave setting for 20-60 seconds.

The time will depend in part on the number of whole artichokes, or the volume of chopped pieces, you need to reheat.

To ensure that microwaved artichoke stays juicy and moist, you can add around a tablespoon of water to the bowl. To further prevent the artichoke from drying out or toughening in the microwave, cover the bowl with plastic wrap.

Drizzling a little olive oil or melted butter over the artichoke before microwaving it can also aid in moisture protection and maintaining good flavor.

Amp Up That Flavor When You Reheat Artichoke

If you’ve got some leftover artichokes that are a little tired, add some flavorful butter, oil, spice or herbs to amp up that flavor. Why not start with a dash of sea salt or cracked black pepper?

Petals are delicious dipped in olive oil or cream cheese. Try sprinkling feta cheese over the artichoke for a tangy taste or drizzle with lemon juice for a zesty kick.

Artichokes also wonderfully pair with sour cream, parmesan, garlic, sundried tomatoes, thyme and basil.

Safety Concerns When You Reheat Artichoke

The only safety concerns regarding artichokes relate to the parts you can and can’t eat, and how they should be eaten.

There is a myth that says the pit, or choke, of an artichoke is poisonous. However, this part of the flower is simply tougher, making it harder to chew and digest, and it can sometimes be a choking hazard if it’s undercooked.

The only parts that you really should not eat are the hairy leaves and stems below the main flower bud of the artichoke.

A lot of times, these parts won’t even be present when you buy fresh artichokes. If you do see them, simply peel or chop them off before you cook the whole artichoke buds.