How to Reheat Potato Wedges?

Properly reheated potato wedges should taste just as good, if not better, than those fresh out of the frier. Below let’s discuss how to reheat potato wedges.

Potatoes are your meal’s best friend. Roasted, mashed, or put in a stew, potatoes can be cooked in just about any way conceivable and paired with any main dish.

One of the most popular form of the starchy veggie comes in the form of potato wedges or “jojos” as they are known in specific parts of the United States.

Though there’s no singular definition, most potato wedges refer to crispy, quarter-sliced potato slivers that are either baked or fried.

Contrary to popular misconception, potato wedges are not simply fries, and have a comparatively greater potential for unique seasoning opportunities.

Both roasted and fried potato wedges are most often seasoned with paprika, salt, and pepper. Some enjoy them with sour cream and sweet chili sauces.

Below, we’ll discuss some of the best ways to properly reheat day-old, frozen, and rock solid potato wedges.

How to Reheat

When reheating potato wedges, you’ll want to retain the delicate, crispy exterior. This means that you’ll have to ditch the microwave, instead using either a heated skillet or the oven to reheat them.

For day old wedges, it’s best to throw them on a baking sheet in the oven. First, preheat the oven to 300 degrees Fahrenheit, then toss the wedges in for ten to fifteen minutes.

For added flair, you may want to first bake them on the middle rack for twelve minutes, before putting them on the top rack.

Switch from bake to broil mode for one to two minutes: this will give the wedges an extra hint of crispiness.

Alternatively, you can reheat the wedges on a covered skillet for five to ten minutes, flipping them halfway through the reheat cycle.

The benefit of using a saucepan with a lid is that they’ll retain more moisture than when put in the oven.

Best Practices for Reheating Potato Wedges

Compared to other potato dishes, you’ll want to be extra cautious when reheating potato wedges in the oven. If left unattended, wedges will quickly burn up.

We recommend placing the wedges on an aluminum baking sheet with a tablespoon of your favorite vegetable oil. This will help the wedges regain their fresh out of the oven taste, even if they’re days old.

Never leave potato wedges out in the open if you don’t intend to eat them within the next few hours.

When left out, cooked potatoes can quickly become home to dangerous bacteria colonies. Reheating is not necessarily sufficient to kill off bacteria.

You can preserve potato wedges by tightly wrapping them in foil and storing them in the freezer. Frozen wedges should left out to thaw for fifteen minutes before you throw them in the oven.

For wedges you want to eat within the next three days, it’s best just to leave them in the fridge.