Health Benefits of Blue Cheese

There are many different kinds of blue cheese (danish blue, stilton, roquefort), but did you know that blue cheese is one of the healthiest cheeses available on the market today? Blue cheese is made from goat, cow or sheep’s milk that has been cured using a mold culture. This is why the cheese has those blue or grey spots.

Blue cheese has a distinctive tangy taste, but it is also one of the best cheeses to add to your diet if you want to boost your health. The health benefits of blue cheese are numerous. One ounce of blue cheese contains 100 calories, 6 grams of protein, 8 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbs, and 380 mg of sodium. It also contains 33% of the recommended dosage for calcium. Blue cheese also has a significant amount of vitamin B12, nearly 20% of the recommended dosage. Blue cheese also has large amounts of vitamin B2, vitamin A, vitamin D, zinc, niacin and phosphorous.

Calcium has long been associated with strong bone density and a lower risk of developing osteoporosis. Recently, a U.K. company Lyotec discovered that blue cheese has anti-inflammatory properties that can help keep cells free of disease. This discovery might explain the “French paradox” because French people consume moulded cheeses regularly. The paradox found that French people have lower rates of cardiovascular disease compared to the rest of the modern world and live longer lives yet consume many of the same food products. Blue cheese and other moulded cheeses might be the reason for their stellar heart health and longer life spans.

Health Benefits of Blue Cheese

Phosphorus is an important mineral that is lacking in many modern diets. Blue cheese is a rich source of phosphorus and can help maintain strong teeth and bones. Phosphorus is also vital for most bodily functions and helps cells stay active. Blue cheese also has natural antibacterial properties because of the moldy element and can help your body fight pathogens. This contributes to the anti-inflammatory properties of blue cheese. Lowering inflammation in the body helps people live longer lives and also helps prevent disease. There are a variety of autoimmune disorders that arise through chronic inflammation. Eating blue cheese can reduce that inflammation.

If you want to add more blue cheese to your diet, consider adding blue cheese crumbles to existing meals such as pizzas, burgers, salads, casseroles and lasagnas. You can also get create and add blue cheese to macaroni, pasta, potatoes create a fancy dressing. You can also always enjoy blue cheese on its own as a snack. Add in chips, crackers, dried fruit or fresh grapes if you want to create a cheese platter. Eating healthy doesn’t have to be a struggle with the tangy, wild, punchy flavor of blue cheese.