Reheat Baked Beans

Baked beans are a classic dish for barbeque get-togethers; or basically any kind of gatherings. It doesn’t matter whether you use canned beans, or prepare your own batch from scratch, you just can’t go wrong with a hearty serving of baked beans. But do you know how to reheat baked beans properly?

Although you can basically serve baked beans as a side to almost anything, you are still more than likely to end up with some leftovers. Since baked beans are generally cooked in large batches, that is almost inevitable.

The good news is that not only can you reheat beaked beans, but it is also fairly easy and quick to do so. Read on to find out how.

How to Store?


Baked beans can be stored up to 3 to 4 days in the fridge. Just make sure to store them in an airtight container, and refrigerate as soon as possible so they do not stay at room temperature for long. Food starts developing bacteria at room temperature, so anything left out for more than 2 hours should be tossed away.


Store the leftover baked beans in a sealable freezer bag or airtight container and place them in the freezer. Canned beans will last up to 6 months, whereas fresh baked beans made from scratch will preserve quality for around 3 months. It is important that the freezer bag be sealable, otherwise it could leak out.

Never freeze the entire can. You run the risk of the can cracking or exploding, and will make the reheating process much more difficult for yourself.

How to Reheat Baked Beans

There are several ways you can reheat bake beans. Try them all out before deciding which one you like best.

The Oven Method

This may require a longer time and a bit more effort, but it will give the best results. This is not the best option if you are in a hurry though.

  • Preheat the oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit
  • Put the bake beans in an oven-safe dish or container.
  • Cover it with aluminum foil
  • Place the dish in the oven
  • Let it bake for around 30 minutes
  • Check the beans to ensure they are heated thoroughly. If not, let them bake for another couple of minutes
  • Remove from the oven when steaming hot
  • Let them sit for a few minutes before serving.

The Microwave Method

This is the quickest and most convenient method to reheat baked beans.

  • Put the baked beans in a microwave-safe container
  • Cover the container with a paper towel or plastic wrap 
  • Place the container in the microwave and heat it for 30 seconds 
  • Check to make sure it is properly heated through. Give a few more seconds if not 
  • Remove from the microwave and serve

The Stovetop Method

Another quick and easy method you can use when you are in a hurry.

  • Turn the stove on medium flame
  • Place a pan or skillet and let it preheat for a few seconds
  • Grease the surface with some oil or non-stick spray
  • Put the baked beans in the pan, and continuously stir 
  • Make sure that everything is heating up properly and that it doesn’t burn
  • In a couple of minutes, it should be steaming hot
  • Remove from the pan and serve.

Enjoy baked beans anytime you want with these easy reheating methods.