Cremini mushroom has been embraced throughout cultures in culinary and medicinal capacities throughout history. Modern and ancient medicine embrace its healing properties and nutrients. Chefs and health gurus incorporate the mushrooms into dishes for flavor, texture, and nourishment.
What Is A Cremini Mushroom?
You may already be acquainted with these brown button-shaped mushrooms or heard the mushroom referred to as “baby bella.” What differentiates this mushroom from a portabello mushroom is its size. Creminis are picked while still petite, while portobellos are harvested after growing large. The formal name for the cremini’s species is Agaricus bisporus, a group that the common white button mushroom, found in most grocery stores, is also categorized under. Though creminis are slightly less commonly known, these mushrooms are equally as edible and nutrient-rich.
Cremini mushrooms are small in size with a round brown cap and short off-white stem. When served raw, the texture is similar to a white cap mushroom. However, most creminis are cooked when incorporated into recipes, which greatly softens the texture.
How Is Cremini Mushroom Used?
These little button mushrooms have been used in Eastern and Chinese Medicine for centuries. While today you can purchase mushroom elixirs and multi-compounded supplements, it is more common to find cremini mushrooms in a consumer’s fridge than it is in their medicine cabinet.
Caution and doctor consultation should be used when consuming mushrooms that are in concentrated pill or liquid forms. Large amounts of mushrooms are condensed into small forms, making it difficult to gauge how much is being consumed and if that amount conflicts with what should be consumed.
Since cremini mushrooms have a rich, woody flavor, the mushroom is found popular among vegetarians and is often used a broth based-cuisines. Commonly, these mushrooms are serviced sauteed or in breakfast omelets. Cremini mushrooms are used in Italian, American, and French recipes.
Health Benefits And Nutritional Facts
Cremini mushrooms contain B vitamins, fiber, protein, selenium, and phosphorus. Plant-based diets can be lacking in B vitamins and protein, therefore making mushrooms a beneficial food for vegetarians and vegans. B vitamins have been credited with boosting energy and healthy brain function. Creminis are also rich in the amino acid ergothioneine, which has been correlated with factors that keep the human heart healthy.
Adding Cremini Mushroom To Your Diet
Creminis are a nutrient-dense mushroom that can easily be incorporated into any diet. However, some people may experience sensitivity to the mushroom if over consumed. While these tiny mushrooms are a healthy food option, the mushroom should still be added to a rounded diet that incorporates healthy amounts of foods from other food groups. Additionally, creminis are not a replacement for vitamin B rich or protein-rich animal products, given the amounts of the nutrients are less in mushrooms.